Soothing Your Skin: Tips for Improving Skin, Mood and overall Wellness

By Leila Cunningham, Head of Skin Care Products at CLN Company

The bond between the brain and skin is complex and fascinating. Our skin is the largest organ in the body and the first line of defense against toxins and environmental pollutants, but the skin can also show us the imbalances that exist within the body. Research reveals that stress, whether short-term or prolonged, can adversely affect the health of our skin.1  

Stress triggers the release of pro-inflammatory factors like cortisol and catecholamines, essential hormones in the fight-or-flight stress response. These substances can guide immune cells from the bloodstream to the skin or activate pro-inflammatory skin cells.1

 “Under normal circumstances, cortisol is a useful hormone,” adds Dr Stefanie Williams, medical director of Eudelo Dermatology. “However, cortisol is one of our catabolic hormones (which break down tissues); if too much is released, it becomes destructive to collagen and other important structures in our body.” When someone is taking care of themselves, it “lowers cortisol levels," she adds.2 It's going to raise all those positive molecules. And if you decrease cortisol, you lower your stress. It's good for your mood, it's good for healing.   

We never thought skin care was shallow, but in case you need another reason to prioritize your time for you and your skin, know that cleansing, exfoliating and massaging your skin may come with real brain health benefits.3

Here are few things that can improve skin wellness, your mood and overall wellness:  

  • Increase skin blood flow circulation 
  • Increase skin oxidation  
  • Increase skin hydration 
  • Use clean - non-toxic ingredients 

Aquafacial treatment increases circulation in the face, and it's especially important to maintain blood flow when you're feeling anxious.3 Suction used in Aquafacial treatment can improve blood flow and increase circulation in the face.  

Tip: Always start with the lowest setting and gradually increase to setting that is right for you. 

Increased oxidation means the skin needs plenty of antioxidants to combat free radical damage. Aim to increase your intake through your diet in the form of fruit and vegetables rich in vitamin C and E as well as alpha-lipoic acid (red meat, broccoli and spinach), and flavonoids (onions, apples and blueberries), but also arm yourself with topical protection via daily application of SPF and a good serum like our Revitalizing Serum, which helps to reinforce skin’s natural protection from free radical damage and prevent sebum oxidation.  

Because cortisol inhibits the production of hyaluronic acid, skin’s natural moisturizer, stressed skin is often dehydrated skin. Both our Aquafacial Cleansing Serum and Revitalizing Serum contain hyaluronic acid – which works on the surface to reduce wrinkles and plump the skin and penetrates deeply to increase skin volume and elasticity. 

Be mindful to your skin and your body. By practicing healthy lifestyle habits, like well-balanced diet and exercise, may also help to regulate stress hormones in the body, which should in turn have positive effects on skin and hair. 

Integrating Aquafacial into your skin care routine can result in visible improvements in skin texture and clarity due to enhanced hydration and circulation. The gentle suction technique used in this treatment not only promotes a healthy glow but also aids in the absorption of serums, maximizing their benefits. Don’t forget an Aquafacial treatment can be a soothing addition to your routine, offering a moment of relaxation that further contributes to stress reduction and skin wellness. 


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